𖩞 " Reading equals remembering." - Cat Petrick 𖩞
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𖩞 “ Books are flowers that never wither." - Jalal ad-Din Rumi 𖩞
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𖩞 " Minden könyv gyĂșjtĂłszerkezet, arra valĂł, hogy felgyĂșjtsa a kĂ©pzeletĂŒnket." - Alan...
𖩞 " A small book can hold a big secret, one that can change the world." - Deborah Harkness...

Brett O'Conor

- XXI. century Writer
Welcome to the world of Brett O'Conor, where the boundaries of reality blur and the extraordinary takes center stage. A master of the unexpected, O'Conor is a writer who defies conventional genre limits, weaving science fiction, mystical adventures, psychological thrillers, and utopian fantasies into captivating narratives. His work resonates with a deep connection to the ancient past while casting a sharp eye on the pitfalls of our modern world. Whether uncovering forgotten wisdom or exploring the shadowy consequences of our societal flaws, O'Conor’s stories challenge readers to think beyond the ordinary. Known for his intricate and immersive plots, O'Conor often faces criticism for seamlessly blending real-world mechanics into his fiction-yet this is precisely what sets him apart. His debut novel, The Hollow, was released in both English and Hungarian, earning him a loyal following on an international scale. Dive into his universe where spiritual mysteries collide with futuristic warnings, and discover stories that transcend time, place, and imagination.
VĂ©lemĂ©nyek ㊰ Az Üreg ㊒
Rewiev 𖱩 The Blood Thirsty 𖱩
VĂ©lemĂ©nyek 𖱩 A VĂ©rengzƑ 𖱩
Rewiev 𓂀 The Thirteenth Emerald Tablet 𓂀
VĂ©lemĂ©nyek 𓂀 A Tizenharmadik SmaragdtĂĄbla 𓂀
" This book grabs you from the beginning and keeps moving forward at a good pace, never a dull moment. Has many twist and turns it had me on the edge of my seat. Being able to look into a serial killer's head is mind boggling. All done in the way that you still can't figure out who it was. It's a page turner."
★★★★★ Amazon / László Jáger United Kingdom on 4 May 2024
" Nem tudtam letenni! Fordulatos krimi és elgondolkodtató spirituålis kaland egyben, nem vårt csattanóval a végén! Csak ajånlani tudom!"
★★★★★ Libri / Tombor Andras 2023.09.11.
" A well-structured story, full of excitement, nail-biting suspense, and a twist at the end so big I almost fell off my chair. Every character in the book is alive and entirely unique I particularly enjoyed the profiler's deductions the most in the book; my favorite parts."
★★★★★ Barnes & Noble / Chained me down 4 months ago
" Remek fantasy Ă©s sci-fi könyv egyben. BĂĄr nem csak a törtĂ©nt izgalmas, de az Ă­rĂł rengeteg olyan tĂ©mĂĄt Ă©s olyan mĂ©ly gondolatokat feszeget, ami valĂłban elgondolkodtatja az ember az "ismert" törtĂ©nelmĂŒnkkel És a vilĂĄgunkkal kapcsolatban. ÉrdekfeszĂ­tƑ, izgalmas, filozĂłfikus, kalandos, egy igazi jĂł teljes körƱ könyv. Mindenkinek ajĂĄnlom."
★★★★★ DiBook / Tibor Bernath 2024.06.21.
" Look no further for a true crime story. Had to take breaks while reading as the thrilling descriptions have chilled my blood as a good book of this genre would, however at the same time could not stop, and finished it the same day only to understand the entire storyline. Excitingly unexpected, almost until the last page you cannot be sure who the Bloodthirsty is."
★★★★★ Amazon / Sandra United Kingdom on 4 May 2024
" Üde szĂ­nfolt a misztikus kalandregĂ©nyek sorĂĄban. A valĂłsĂĄgos törtĂ©nelmi szĂĄlak, amik ĂĄtszövik a regĂ©nyt, rendkĂ­vĂŒl Ă©rdekessĂ© Ă©s izgalmassĂĄ teszik a törtĂ©netet." ★★★★★
Libri / ViktĂłria MolnĂĄr 2024.06.28.
" HosszĂș ideje nem olvastam ilyen jĂł könyvet ebben a tĂ©mĂĄban. Ahogy kibontakozik a rejtĂ©ly a cselekmĂ©ny sorĂĄn Ă©s a spirituĂĄlis vilĂĄgot is bejĂĄrjuk a fƑhƑsökkel, teljesen lebilincselƑ. Sohasem tudni, mi jön szembe a következƑ sarkon. Sok olyan kĂ©rdĂ©sre is vĂĄlaszt kapunk, ami rengeteg embert foglalkoztat manapsĂĄg."
★★★★★ Bookline / Laz 2023.09.10.
" I couldn't put it down, I finished it in one night! It's hard to decide what captured me more: the story or the author's truly unique style?! They astonishingly blended different genres: political intrigue, thrilling crime, chilling thriller, and some heated erotica.💗I hope the author writes more books like this."
★★★★★ Amazon / Nikolett Simon United Kingdom on 3 May 2024
" Egy gyöngyszemet talĂĄltam megint. Amellett, hogy letehetetlenĂŒl izgalmas olvasmĂĄny mĂ©g az egyiptomi Ăłkori kultĂșrĂĄbĂłl is kaptam egy kĂ©pet. Nem tudom, hogy csinĂĄlja az Ă­rĂł, de szenzĂĄciĂłs!"
★★★★★ Bookline: / BĂ©la21 2024.06.28.
" Izgalmas, fordulatokkal teli regĂ©ny. Egyszerre szĂłrakoztatĂł Ă©s elgondolkodtatĂł. TökĂ©letes ötvözete egy politikai kriminek Ă©s egy misztikus sci-finek. Nem tudtam letenni, nĂĄlam dobogĂłs helyre kerĂŒlt! AjĂĄnlom mindenkinek!"
★★★★★ Libri / Bela Simon 2023.09.17.

ÚJ! Azután 🔞 Fej, vagy Írás

Ha egy igazĂĄn izgalmas, akciĂłdĂșs, a hĂĄborĂșs idƑkben aktuĂĄlis megvilĂĄgĂ­tĂĄsĂș könyvre vĂĄrtĂĄl, ez biztosan az. MĂĄr elĂ©rhetƑ az Ebook shopomban is.

Brett O'Conor The Bloodthirsty 🔞

I'm currently celebrating the release of my new thriller. The book is available in both English and Hungarian. Join me for a brief thrill ride!

A VĂ©rengzƑ 🔞

My thriller, A VĂ©rengzƑ (The Bloodthirsty) has finally arrived in Hungary as well. Here's a little teaser for Hungarian readers. VĂ©gre MagyarorszĂĄgra is megĂ©rkezett A VĂ©rengzƑ cĂ­mƱ thrillerem. Egy kis kedvcsinĂĄlĂł a magyar olvasĂłknak.

A Tizenharmadik SmargdtĂĄbla

Kaland, Ă©vezredes rejtĂ©lyek, Atlantisz öröksĂ©ge. 2024.JĂșnius 20.-ĂĄn jelent meg, A Tizenharmadik SmaragdtĂĄbla cĂ­mƱ Ășj könyvem. Íme egy kis kedvcsinĂĄlĂł az olvasĂĄshoz. Adventure, millennia-old mysteries, the legacy of Atlantis. My new book, "The Thirteenth Emerald Tablet," released on June 20th. 2024. Here’s a little teaser for you.

The Thirteenth Emerald Tablet

My new book The Thirteenth Emerald Table is available from September 6th 2024. #Amazon ; #Kobo ; #BarnsandNoble

Brett O'Conor: Az ĂŒreg

" Here's a teaser for my science fiction novel that was released in September 2023 in Hungarian. Egy kis kedvcsinåló, a 2023 szeptemberében, magyar nyelven megjelent tudomånyos-fantasztikus regényemhez."

Fantasy novel: Obscured Moon - Releasing in November

My fantasy novel, Obscured Moon, will be releasing to readers in November. The book comes with a musical companion album that effortlessly captures the essence of the story. The full album will be available here first – so if you haven't already, subscribe to the channel to make sure you don't miss it! As a teaser, check out the clip related to the book, set to the track: "Magic of Pathway Forest."

Azután 🔞

Fej, vagy ÍrĂĄs HelyszĂ­n: A földrĂ©sz, amelyet EurĂłpĂĄnak hĂ­vtak. MiutĂĄn elszabadult egy biolĂłgiai fegyver, a kialakult pĂĄnikban, a vezetƑk tehetetlensĂ©ge Ă©s tenni nem akarĂĄsa miatt polgĂĄrhĂĄborĂșk, illetve nemzetközi konfliktusok sora robbant ki, amely alig fĂ©l Ă©v alatt szinte teljesen elpusztĂ­totta a civilizĂĄciĂłt. Nincs szervezett kormĂĄnyzĂĄs, nincsenek nemzetek, nincsenek frontvonalak, csak anarchia, kegyetlen Ă©rdekcsoportok Ă©s az egyre fogyĂł, maradĂ©k lakossĂĄg. A ZĂłnĂĄnak nevezett fĂ©l orszĂĄgnyi terĂŒleten, katonai szakĂ©rtƑk egy csoportja prĂłbĂĄlja visszaĂĄllĂ­tani a rendet Ă©s Ășjra felĂ©pĂ­teni egy Ă©lhetƑ Ă©letet. CĂ©ljaik nemesek, de a lehetƑsĂ©geket tekintve, talĂĄn csak illĂșziĂłk. A szƱkös erƑforrĂĄsokat a vĂ©gletekig kiaknĂĄzva, egy maroknyi vĂĄlogatott elit katona prĂłbĂĄlja keresztĂŒlverekedni magĂĄt az ĂĄllati szintre sĂŒllyedt hĂĄborĂșs övezeten, hogy megakadĂĄlyozzanak egy Ășjabb tĂĄmadĂĄst, amely elpusztĂ­thatja a civilizĂĄciĂł utolsĂł bĂĄstyĂĄjĂĄt. A mindenre elszĂĄnt kommandĂł versenyt fut az idƑvel. Nyomukban a halĂĄl jĂĄr, elƑttĂŒk az arctalan, ismeretlen szĂĄmĂș ellensĂ©g. Ha elbuknak, az Ă©let minden bizonnyal vĂ©get Ă©r a Földön Ă©s az emberisĂ©g inkĂĄbb elƑbb mint utĂłbb, kipusztul.
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